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Art installation Part of Meteor Festival, Bergen. Oct. 2015. Design and construction of Urban installation. PART OF THE MASTER SCHOOL PROGRAM.

Threshold (ˈθrɛʃəʊld; ˈθrɛʃˌhəʊld)


1. (Building) Also called: doorsill a sill, esp one made of stone or hardwood, placed at a doorway

2. any doorway or entrance

3. the starting point of an experience, event, or venture

4. (Psychology) psychol the strength at which a stimulus is just perceived.


a. a level or point at which something would happen, would cease to happen, or would take effect, become true, etc

b. (as modifier): threshold price; threshold effect.

6. (General Physics)

a. the minimum intensity or value of a signal, etc, that will produce a response or specified effect: a frequency threshold.

b. (as modifier): a threshold current.

7. (Industrial Relations & HR Terms) (modifier) designating or relating to a pay agreement, clause, etc, that raises wages to compensate for increases in the cost of living

[Old English therscold; related to Old Norse threskoldr, Old High German driscubli, Old Swedish thriskuldi]



Photos by Jan Hustak.

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